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Clare Lymer

Clare Lymer

Ley Lines

work exploring significant sites and lines in landscapes and superstitions surrounding them. Long exposures capture my path as lines are mapped out with traces of light, harnessing sunlight to make the invisible visible.

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Hydrogen Sunlight

The sun emits light by the burning of (mostly) the element Hydrogen. This image plays on the scientific practice of holding something up towards the light for inspection, while the atomic structure of Hydrogen on the card, which resembles a diagram of the Earth’s orbit of the Sun, maps out my position to the light source.

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I am grateful to my aunts Leonora and Helena and my Mother, Breda, for their initial instruction and encouragement on dowsing. Leonora introduced me to John Stack, a life-long dowser from West Limerick. He had known my Grandfather and my Grand-Uncle, who were both dowsers like John, and where I apparently have inherited this unusual gift from. John encouraged me to use a hazel stick rather than the metal rods I had been using as he thought the metal rods would not be good for my heart. Having never used a dowsing stick before I didn’t have much luck with it at first, even standing over a well. John showed me how to hold it correctly and put his hand on the pulse point of my wrist and the stick moved.

I was amazed that by touching my arm his energy connected with the stick in my hands. Taking one side of the stick in one hand and my hand in the other he created a circle between us and the stick. John continued to work with me until the stick began to flip over.

John was easy company and I was indebted to him for his insight and instruction. It was a rare opportunity to be able to meet someone like him and to learn from him was invaluable. Born on February 29th in a leap year, seemingly a man of eternal youth and energy, John Stack sadly passed away in 2010. John gifted me with the dowsing rod that he had used for many years, it is something that I treasure greatly and hope it retains some of his remarkable energy to help me when I use it.

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